"Conversation" with PS Audio's Scott McGowan and speaker designer Chris Brunhaver on the new "Sprout" loudspeaker
One of the reasons I truly love and admire PS Audio is that they are so customer driven. No, I've never purchased their renowned BK Amplifiers but as per my earlier post, truly admire the brilliance in conceiving the Sprout, which is revolutionary in PS Audio's commitment to bring "Audiophile" or High Fidelity or HD Sound--whatever you prefer--within reach of a person who isn't in the 1% or 0.5% economic profile. And so they don't discriminate among customers and treat all of us like family, even the poorer relations, which is remarkable in this day and age; amazingly, Scott and Chris took the time to write to me after I saw this video ( this is the link to the site post ), which discusses and shows the Sprout loudspeaker prototype. Chris is designing the drivers; I don't know much about him but he'll be doing videos on his work that will post very shortly. First, Paul McGowan himself emailed me: Chris is starting his own series on YouTube t...